Thursday, January 27, 2011

Missouri Kansas Texas FA-2 #326-A

Company: Lionel
Item #: 6-38182
Gauge: Standard O
Catalog: 2003 v2
Trucks: Die-cast
Couplers: Die-cast, Operating-Electric front and back
Length: 13.5"
Notes: This locomotive is the powered part of a two A unit set; #326A and #326C. A matching B unit, #326B, was also cataloged and completes this ABA set.
Command Control
RailSounds sound system with CrewTalk and TowerCom announcements
Odyssey System for speed control
Directional lighting including operating headlights
Dual powerful maintenance-free motors with momentum flywheels
Four traction tires
Fan-driven smoke unit
Die-cast pilots, fuel tanks
Metal frames
Pivoting diaphrams on rear
Separately applied metal details
Lighted number boards
Lighted cab interiors
Engineer figures
Product Website